My approach is based on a biosocial theory and incorporates cognitive and behavioral therapy (CBT), DBT, and interpersonal psychology. I consider myself a behavioral scientist, or “detective” if you will, whose job it is to explore the “what’s and why’s” of clients’ problems. I then collaborate with my client to develop a treatment plan that is “data driven”, i.e. based on hypothesized causal factors, as well as “outcome oriented”. Although clients often report they feel better after a therapy session, they also complain that “nothing really changes”. My goal for clients is both to feel better AND get better as a result of their treatment.
Biosocial: Biology (e.g., genetic predisposition, temperament, brain chemistry, etc.) and learning experiences (i.e., operant, respondent and observational processes) transact over time to create and maintain problems.
CBT: Cognitive - Thinking errors, irrational beliefs, and unrealistic expectations lead to problematic emotions and behavior. Behavioral - Emotional and behavioral problems develop and are maintained through prior conditioning and/or consequences.
DBT: Adds Eastern principles and practices such as the principle of radical acceptance and practice of mindfulness to the theory and methods of CBT.
Interpersonal Psychology: Problems are created and maintained
in the context of relationships. Relationships and social
interactions are therefore a major focus of treatment, as well as a primary vehicle for change.

Problems I specialize in:
Problems with passivity/assertive behavior
Excessive rumination and worry
Avoidance and procrastination
Relationship problems
PTSD including the effects of childhood trauma on
self-image/esteem and as manifested in current relationships -
Problems with managing and expressing anger
Issues related to life transitions such as divorce, career changes, empty nest syndrome, major health changes, loss of a loved one
Compulsive behavior in a variety of areas – substance abuse, eating, exercise, work, shopping/spending,
computer use -
Parent-child problems where parents are struggling with a young adult/adult child with mental health or substance abuse issues or adult children who are struggling with parents with the same